click on pictures to open the albums

Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe
Street Art along the Way
Street Art
Middle East
Middle East
Planet India
Planet India

16 Jul 2011


During my preparations I came across many questions, starting from basic equipment to navigation and
also wether to write a blog or not. Certainly I wanted to document with a small notebook, but the modern media stuff? Sometimes I thought, that I could spear the world with yet another travelling blog, then I was thinking it to be nice for my family and now I'm writing the thing in english. But that still left the question about the pictures. Do I need a camera? Yet another thing to haulage around...
But then I came across this:

"Das heutige Bildmedium ist ein Transparenzmedium. Es lässt keinen Tiefsinn mehr zu. Augustinus schrieb einmal: Je mehr die Sprache durch die figürliche Ausdrucksweise verdeckt werde, umso süsser munde sie, wenn der figürliche Mantel einmal geöffnet und das dahinterliegende Geheimnis erblickt werde.(...)"
Byung-Chul Han

"The modern visual medium is a transparent medium. It does not allow for a
deeper meaning. As Augustinus once said: the more language is hidden
behind figurative expressions, the sweeter the revelation when the
underlying secret is uncovered.(...)"
Translation by Johannes (Thank you very much)

(Can't, won't translate, sorry)
Funny the things you can find in a economy magazine... And there is also this fairly familiar guy:

"I have no clue of how to shoot proper pictures"

... well these things above and my deep desire to express myself (an individualistic person with innovating and bright ideas), brought me to write this travel blog with mostly words.