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17 Sept 2011

Day 10: Ustka-Leba

I slept rather long considering, that I did go to bed rather early. When I had everything packed, it started raining, and I got my diving suit back out. Half an hour later it then was over again, the wind was less strong and the sun pushed through the clouds more and more.
With the trail it was the other way around. Today I had a small etape in mind, some 50 km and wanted to follow strictly the european route R10. The beginnig was great, nice trail trough the forest. Then it got very bumpy with deep waterholes, then there came a part with a lot of sand and it got even worse.
Now I know it for sure, my bike is not made for riding through a swamp. This time it really was not my fault, it just appears, that here the tolerance of what is still considered a bike path is quite high. There were signs though, even in germany and english, saying "careful, bad surface", well that was the swamp. Sometimes it was really tricky to get over the waterholes. One the upside was quite and interesting landscape and very quiet.
I'm getting really good at underestimating distances. In the end I had approx 70 km all one difficult roads.