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7 Apr 2012

Day 210: Vardzia-Ninotsminda

Even though the spot looked very promising, a couple of barking dogs managed to make night hell. They decided to have their little fights right beside our tents and I woke up several times in therr middle of the night.
The ridig was one big climb today finishing of with twenty kilometres with strong headwind. The landscapes however continued to amaze, the views offered on this high plateau (almost 2000m) were beautiful at this sunny day. The people we met in the villages and towns on our way encountered us with a friendly curiosity and I realized that if I don't speak Georgian nor Russian I won't be able to honour these meetings. So I will soon try to pick up some Russian, which will be of use later too.
It was hard to find a spot for our tents today. Most of the places were snow covered or wet and muddy from the melting snow, however we managed to find a place, not very prominent though, just a small forest next too the road.