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7 Apr 2012

Day 211: Ninotsminda-Imera

When we woke up this morning there were much fewer dry spots on the field. Water was flowing from the melting snow. Jihyun and Sungjongs tent was almost flooded, I was a bit luckier. However it was not quite clear why the snow was still melting during that cold night when temperatures were below zero. It took some more time to pack up with a lot if wet stuff to dry. But our mood was lifted by the tailwind, riding through this high plane was really easy after a short climb.
The sun was quite strong and after I managed to burn mt arms, nose and hands yesterday a lot of suncream was needed.
When we halted in front of what we thought to be and, abandoned building for lunch, a woman appeared at the window and waved use inside. Moments later we found ourselves in the office of a doctor and the building appeared to be a hospital. In the hospital they were quite hospitable and when the female doctor learned that we are all healthy she had her assistant make coffee for all of us and put some chocolates on her desk. We were talking in a mix of German and Russian for a while before real patients called the doctor back to duty.
In the villages we passed we saw a couple of 'storche' building their nests. shortly before reaching the 2145m pass I saw a white fox crossing the street and only a bit later a falcon almost took a small bird out of midair.
Another highlight was that I managed to chase a dog for a change, usually these barking beasts chase after me. This time however I saw it coming out of the corner of my eye, they like sneaking up in the dead angle and catch passing people by surprise. So I took a slight turn to the left and when the dog arrived at the street I turned briskly back to the right and accelerated towards it. The dog fled up the street barking me speeding after it shouting back it was trapped against the wall at the side of the street. So I chased it for a couple of meters until the wall ended and there was space to get away from the street, there the dog turned and tried to charge again, but I accelerated even more and faked and attack by dodging in its direction and and shouting fearcly. At this point it skidded to a halt, turned and fled up a small hill and there it stood and even when Sungjong passed a bit later, it did not dare to approach him.
The ride downhill was a real treat, the tailwind grew stronger and the road was steep and its surface perfect. Under these conditions I managed to break my speed record. Once we arrived at the lower plane I was very surprised myself to read 82 km/h as maximum speed from the smartphones gps application.
The tailwind blew use also over the second plane and after the big downhill strech towards Tblisi started we chose a beautiful spot overlooking the valley for the night. No village is around in a radius of ten kilometres and as a consequence no barking fuckers astray in this patch of land.
On the opposite hillside (south) some fields were burnig (like many other we've passed before) and the smoke was hanging over the valley. So when the full moon rose, it was shining orange. The scenery in the twilight with this moon and the fire crawling up the hillside was very impressive and quite unusual. We started our own fire and watched the spectacle.