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23 Apr 2012

Day 227: Agarak-Avilaq

And this morning it was finally time to enter Iran. I've thought about that country quite a lot, talked about it many times and I had that Persian audio phrasebook since I left Dresden. Most of the countries I crossed during this trip, that I did not know before, like Turkey, I just went to without long preceding thoughts about it. And as it is with things that grew important in the absence of concrete action, when it finally happens it is a bit overwhelming and no matter how close you are, it does not happen before it actually happens... there goes a simple and obvious thruth, that just struck me again...
But before taking off I had to repair another flat tire. I fixed it yesterday but apparently I only pulled out one of two metal threads from the wheel. Now I had five of these little metal pieces causing me the last four punctures, where do they come from anyway?
After a ten minutes ride I arrived at the border. The Procedure took some time, an Armenian officer asked me my detailed opinion about his country before the passport control... well, it was great, what do you expect? But ass a matter of fact, I did not have to search for lies, it was great. About the people it was a bit trickier, I met good ones but a lot of times I got weird vibes and never really figured what caused it.
At the passport control my face was thoroughly compared to that other one on the passport-picture and the lady flipped a couple of times through the visa-pages, when she finally finished, she recapitulated my travelling so far and then asked me where I'd go after Iran, I said that I have an eye on Turkmenistan, and then she kept asking... I assumed it was pure interest, even though during the flipping she looked very seriously and almost had me worried.
On the Iranian side the first officer was not in, a hurry at all, the second one taking a copy of the passport also asked me about my travel plans after Iran, but without examining my passport further. Then I had to open one bag and after a short look, before I could empty its entire content I was instructed to close it again and preced.
I got some Drams at the change office and after a civil Iranian welcomed me to his country and we had a short chat. When I was leaving he came after me handing me an Orange and wished me luck.
The land on the other side of the Rud-e-Aras (river) was quite different, vegetation was very sparse, most of the rivers were dry and the mountains, made of a sandy material, came in, different shapes. There was no big pass today only small ones and after the hottest time of the day was over I found my flow. In Kharvana, the first village I, crossed after the border I chatted with the shopkeeper and a lot of kids with bikes were sticking around. I almost drowned that one and a half liters of cold coke and the suggar rush translated into a higher pace once I took off again.
It was reptile day, I saw a big lizard and almost run over a snake.
Shortly before Avilaq there was a valley with a river that actually had water and around it it was nice and green. I took the spot even though it was still afternoon and I had a longer distance in mind for today. But in the ends I did not want to risk finding myself in a similar situation as yesterday.
Apropos distance, I completed the 10000 kilometres today. For some reason this number gets me very excited.