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16 Nov 2011

Day 69: Skoder-Gushte

Aiming for the feary leaving at 10 a.m. To Fierze, I got up very early wanting to leave around 7. I had around 50 km to make and thought it should be doable in three hours (if everything runs smoothly).
Yesterday I wanted to settle the hotel bill, to avoid loosing time in the morning, but I was told that doing it in the morning would be fine too, despite me insisting. And I did losse half and hour looking for somebody taking my money. I tried to make it never the less, hope dies last...
After a couple of kilometers out of the city rthe road turns east, following the river Drina, which forms natural lakes, and further up and artificial one. In this valley a strong head wind greated me and today I learned, that a very strong head wind can't have the a similar effect as a very stony road. I pushed as hard as I could one the asphalted road and just managed to get an average speed of 15km/h out of it. Shortly before Gushte I crossed a black Peugeot and thought, that it looks very familiar. The car stopped and Daniel and Paul, I crossed two days ago in Boge, greated me.
They also tried too catch the feary, but for cars, there is one every week. They told me though, that it should be possible too hire a small boat. We agreed too meet in Fierze, they taking the road around the mountains and me trying the water way.
I was pretty exhausted, when I arrived at the small port, and went into the small bar looking for information. The bar keeper spoke a little english. After I explained my situation it first looked as somebody would take me, but in the ende it turned out too be a joke. Jep, they had good fun with me.
Next too the bar, there was a hotel. In the bar there were two young guys having their brandy. After a bit of talking, it became apparent, that this was by far not their first glass. It was a weird situation, I never was offered a room for such a low price by a completly wasted keeper. After a bit of suspicion, I decided, that they were just wasted but did not seem too malicious and took the room.
Later in the eavening then keeper was back and a bit sobered up. I gave him and his fried a couple of aspirin. It was cosy sitting some time with a small bunch of guys, listening too their story telling and their debates.